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Crime and Disorder Committee 12th October 2023

1:42 pm, Monday, 4th December 2023 - 5 months ago

Councillor Westcott (in the Chair)
Councillors Aisthorpe, Brasted (substitute for Sandford) Goodwin (substitute for Farren), Boyd (substitute for K Swinburn) and Shutt.

Officers in attendance:

• Helen Issacs (Assistant Chief Executive)
• Eve Richardson Smith (Service Manager Consultancy and Deputy Monitoring Officer)
• Spencer Hunt – (Assistant Director Safer and Partnerships)
• Paul Caswell (Head of Young and Safe)
• Rebecca Freeman (Community Safety Partnership Manager)
• Jo Paterson (Scrutiny and Committee Advisor)

Also in attendance:
• Chief Superintendent Daren Wildbore (Humberside Police)

There were no members of the press present. There was one member of the public present.


Apologies for absence were received for this meeting from Councillors Farren, Sandford, K. Swinburn, Astbury, Shepherd and Dawkins.


There were no declarations of interest in relation to any items on the agenda.


The committee considered a report that provided an overview of findings of the CSP’s Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment (JSIA), including performance data and emerging threats. The report set out the Community Safety Partnership (CSP’s) areas of priority for the coming three years and their pertinence to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan.

Mr. Wildbore introduced the report and set out the background and key issues.

Mr. Wildbore stressed the importance of the North East Lincolnshire (NEL) Community Safety Partnership (CSP) in terms of the responsible authorities and key partners that worked together to support the police. Mr. Wilbore referred to the Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment (JSIA) consultation and highlighted the key areas for priority. In terms of progress in 2022/23 it was noted that overall reported crime had fallen by 5% with further reductions in violent crime and anti-social behaviour. However it was noted that there had been increases in burglary offences, vehicle offences and theft.

Members wished to gain a better understanding of how the consultation had been undertaken, and how this accurately represented the borough and what steps were being taken for more comprehensive and inclusive consultation. Ms Freeman detailed the process involved in undertaking the consultation including what questions were asked of the public. It was confirmed that the period of consultation was 12 weeks. Mr Wildbore added that the Humber Talking initiative was also fed into this consultation.

A member asked whether in future the two consultation questions could be included within the officer’s report. Another member suggested that elected members could assist with the consultation. Furthermore, members asked for a breakdown of crimes for their individual wards. Mr. Hunt confirmed this information could be found via the police UK website and confirmed he would circulate the link to the committee.

Members were keen to understand where the hot spot areas were within the borough in terms of crime. Mr Wildbore suggested members engage with their MTP Commander within their own wards, however in general the Grimsby Town Centre and East and West Marsh wards were areas of challenge.

Mr. Wildbore took members through his presentation which covered the following areas; overall crime rates, anti-social behaviour, public order, youth offending, domestic abuse, violent crime, and violence against women and girls.

Overall Crime Rates

In terms of overall crime, it was reported that there had been a 5.4% reduction. Members queried what processes were in place to track ex-offenders. Mr Wildbore explained that this was the responsibility of the Probation Service and briefly explained the process they followed.

Members enquired what factors were taken into consideration to influence these statistics and build upon these trends. Mr Wildbore explained that his force was very proactive in terms of making quick arrests and gaining support from and engaging with its partners. In terms of further reductions in crime, Mr Wildbore was pleased to report that the force had received a recent inspection which had highlighted areas that were outstanding and assured members the service was working efficiently and effectively.

Mr Hunt also stressed the strength of the CSP when responding to real life incidents with regards to deploying youth resources and ensuring the correct wrap around service was available for young people.

The Chair echoed concerns around re-offending and reminded members that a workshop on Humberside Probation was taking place next month for members of the committee.

In response to further concerns, officers stated that a number of factors had contributed to crime rates reducing, including things such as a victim-based approach, being proactive and maintaining a strong partnership approach. Overall a lot of work was taken place which would have a wider impact and would bring forward the changes needed in future.

Anti- social behaviour

Mr Wildbore reported that anti-social behaviour had reduced over the years including both adult and youth. He further explained how his team applied the six principles from national guidance. He also noted that there has been an increase in community triggers indicating that the public had more confidence in both the police and the local authority. In response to a query around resource he advised that CCTV cameras were always deployed in areas that were needed.

Mr Wildbore further reported that an ASB Summit was held earlier this year, resulting in six workshops and an action plan being put in place. Further work with Safer Streets had also made a significant difference and working closely with youth workers to prevent re-offending in areas such as graffiti.

Members were concerned how the new youth zone would be policed as it was expected to be very popular. Officers assured members that they would consider local issues and work with the community in preparation for its opening.

A further discussion ensued around the 101 service with a member stating that the statistics showed that the public had increased confidence in the service. However, concerns were also raised that responses were not being received to 101 calls. Mr Wildbore confirmed he would take this forward.

Youth Offending

It was reported that first time entrants remained consistently low in North East Lincolnshire. NEL Youth Justice Service had only one young person entering custody in the last rolling 12-month period. Mr Caswell wished to note that there were now youth worker accredited qualifications, and these would be key in delivering their youth work. He further advised that his team had a dedicated system for tracking every single youth offending case which included undertaking risk assessments, early help and following pathways and procedures.

In response to a member’s query around how youth offending was tackled, officers stated that their focus was on providing an outcome that was both ethical and appropriate.

A member asked for more detail around how youths were tracked from the initial arrest to being put in police custody. Members also asked what was being done to tackle those young adults over 18 years that were repeat offenders and not being brought before the courts. Mr Wildbore confirmed that the Crime Prosecution Service (CPS) determined the outcome of this.

Mr Hunt noted that officers were keen to work with young people to address their behaviours and there were many programmes in place to address this including the Transition Policy work with probation services and the council’s wrap around support.

The Chair highlighted that the outcomes for young people were better now as the wrap around support was available. The Chair referred to the model used within children services to provide support for further and higher education and confirmed that a similar model was being used in youth offending.

Domestic Abuse

The service had seen an increase this year in domestic abuse. There was now a full investigation team within Humberside Police as a consequence of significant work that had been undertaken.

Members discussed the domestic abuse initiatives. It was also noted that there were more reports against perpetrators feeding through with people being more confident to come forward.

The Chair asked whether there was anything being done within schools around the types of behaviours to look out for within children. Officers assured the committee of the multi-agency approach that was taken for repeat offenders and victims and a future perpetrator programme that would be put in place.

Violent Crime/Injury Threat harm and risk

It was pleasing to report that there had been a reduction in Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH) last year, and significant reductions in violent crime. There was now a significant amount of work taking place around serious violence duty, including a Serious Violence Task Group and Operation Yuletide the force’s festive operation which were both helping to tackle issues within the nighttime economy in Cleethorpes.

In terms of violence against women and girls, there had been a decrease which was positive to report. There was now representation on an Independent Advisory Group and Operation Shield Programme which helped prevent violence against women.

A member wished to explore the cultural change in terms of violence against women particularly from a young age and how there was now an increase in reporting these crimes.

The Chair raised concerns specifically with the night time economy and in particular the huge drug problem and increase in spiking of drinks. The Chair asked for reassurance around mitigations in place.

Mr Hunt explained in brief what preventative measures were put in place within licensed premises under the law. He assured members that the licensing team worked jointly with the police on the night time economy to ensure robust processes were in place.

In concluding, Mr Wildbore summarised the JSIA recommendations noting that their overarching strategy was unlikely to change. He further set out the CSP Partnership Plan and Priorities for 2022-25. Mr Wildbore explained how the Police and Crime Plan linked to their objectives noting that a Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) election would be taking place next year and therefore the plan was likely to change.

With regard to serious violence, members were remined of the duty of authorities to collaborate to prevent serious violence and this was now discharged through the CSP. It was reported that twenty Violence Reduction Units (VRU’s) had now been established through allocated funding from the Home Office.

Furthermore, Mr Wildbore detailed work being undertaken with the Grimsby Top Town Community Safety project.

In response to a question regarding the new youth zone, Mr Caswell explained that joint training was taking place and sharing of resources to move it forward. It was hoped that the new youth zone would help divert young people away from Freshney Place as part of the Top Town Plan.

A member raised concerns around local disturbance, Mr. Caswell responded that officers would be working closely with the local community. It was hoped that the new youth zone would be open next month and would include activities 121 advice and general support.

Clear Hold Build

Clear Hold Build was a locality-based model for tackling organised crime. It was noted that the Nunthorpe had been selected as pilot area. Mr Wildbore outlined the tactic which comprised of three parts and advised that they had already seen positive outcomes in ASB and community cohesion.

Mr Wildbore further reported on developments with Operation Galaxy a police force operation that had launched recently. He explained the three phases of the operation and outlined significant work that had taken place around drug theft and arresting repeat suspects.

The Chair wished to thank both officers and Chief Superintendent Daren Wildbore for his report and presentation.


  1. That the report be noted.
  2. That a link to the breakdown of crimes per ward be circulated to the committee.

There being no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 4.06 p.m.