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Health and Wellbeing Board 20th November

7:50 am, Monday, 18th December 2023 - 6 months ago


Councillor Shreeve (in the Chair)
Councillor Cracknell

In attendance:
• Katie Brown (Director of Adult Services)
• Helen Kenyon (Place Director – Integrated Care Board)
• Diane Lee (Director of Public Health)
• Murray MacDonald (Lincolnshire Housing Department)
• Julie Salt (Community Lay Representative)
• Tracy Slattery (Healthwatch)

Also in attendance:

• Zoe Campbell (Senior Scrutiny and Committee Advisor)
• Paul Caswell (Head of Young and Safe)
• Mike Hardy (Public Health Programme Manager)
• Emma Overton (Policy and Practice Development Lead – Integrated Care Board)


Apologies for absence for this meeting were received from Janice Spencer, Councillor Jackson, Phil Shillito, Rob Walsh and David Talbot.


There were no declarations of interest made with regard to any items on the agenda for this meeting.


RESOLVED – That the minutes from the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on the 21st September 2023 be agreed as an accurate record.


The board received a verbal update on the work of the Integrated Care board (ICB) which included the section 75 agreement, population health management and what we need to do differently and working with the community.

A member queried whether following the recent CQC in inspections around maternity services that a briefing note could be circulated to the board explaining the status within the ICB at Place.

Members asked for further clarification around the section 75 agreement and the role of the independent members on the Health and Wellbeing Board, accountability and decision making by a third party made on behalf of the local authority. Ms Kenyon explained that the boarder decision making policies, procedures and operating model for the section 75 in place were already established. Ms Brown suggested that the section 75 report that was going to Cabinet on the 20th December 2023 came to the next Health & Wellbeing Board for information.


1) That the update be noted.

2) That a briefing paper be circulated to board on the maternity services within Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust.

3) That the Section 75 Cabinet report be added to the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


The Board received a briefing paper and verbally updated on the Strategic Relationships and Resilience Board that was created to reduce teen pregnancy by increasing resilience and allow children and young people to develop safe relationships.

A member queried if the stakeholders on the board had agreed the terms of reference. Mr Caswell confirmed they had and he would circulate a copy to the board.

There was a query raised by a member if there were any signs of the outcomes being achieved. Mr Caswell confirmed that that data needed updating however explained that officers could look the data where young people were accessing services which would give a good indication.

Ms Kenyon highlighted that within the integrated care system there was a group created to look specifically at data around children and as a result ‘place’ will be asked for areas to focus on. She felt that this would enable officers to focus time to understand the here and now bringing together more timely information to ensure as a place we were making a difference and as collective where it was needed.

A member was concerned the Strategic Relationships and Resilience board was strategic focused and felt that there was a real benefit of using the population health data. The board welcomed the target specific intervention in the reduction in teenage pregnancy using data. Mr Caswell agreed and highlighted the need to build on the data going forward to do more targeted pieces of work.


1) That the briefing paper be noted

2) That the Strategic Relationships and Resilience board terms of reference to be circulated to the board.


The Board received a report seeking approval of the quarter two Better Care Fund return.

RESOLVED – That the quarter two return as set out in the report now submitted be approved.


The Board reflected on the meetings and to suggest ideas for future consideration.

• Minutes from Strategic Relationships and Resilience Board
• Merger with North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire housing providers to gain reassurance of the benefits of the merger for residents of North East Lincolnshire.
• Invite the Probation Service to understand how we are working with young offenders to stop them going into the criminal justice system.
• Population Health Management – How do we develop what we should be doing across the integrated care partnership foot print.
• Public Health update at each meeting on new data and emerging themes.
• Co production newsletters
• Include public question time on the agenda.
• Update on the Humber acute service review consultation and the community diagnostic centre.

RESOLVED –That the above be noted and added to the Health and Wellbeing Board work programme for 2023/24

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 3.10 p.m.